AFC AntiFraudCard® Techonology

As a banker you are responsible for the protection of customer funds. This includes protecting your customers against card fraud. A patent was filed to protect transactions against fraud resulting in less work for you.

Stop fraud before it begins

“Finally someone has come up with pre-fraud technology. This is the best thing I have ever seen.”


ROI- Return on Investment

As a banker you must be concerned with a return on investment and protecting the banks and your customer’s finances. Therefore, if you know of a way to stop fraud, and your customer’s funds are attacked but you do nothing about it, this could be considered gross negligence. To protect yourself, and your customers, install AntiFraudCard® and your customers can protect themselves. Your customer knows their transactions so why not let the customer approve their transactions?

Tested for years

AntiFraudCard® was tested locally and internationally for over eight years with ATM's, POS, signature, bank card, and PIN based transactions. Since the system was perfected not one preapproved fraud transaction has occurred. Not one. AntiFraudCard® works better than EMV because AntiFraudCard® stops fraud from online transactions and the cost is much more reasonable than EMV.

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